Place born
Organisation / Person
1824-1884, scientific instrument maker, Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland, Scottish; British

White, James

1824 - 1884

1836-1917, physician, British

Anderson, Elizabeth Garrett

1836 - 1917

1884-1991, button, badge and medal makers, Birmingham

J R Gaunt and Son Limited

1884 - 1991

active 1828-1947, marine & aeronautical navigational instrument maker, London, England, British

Henry Hughes and Son Limited

1828 - 1947

White, James

1811 - 1884

Wheatstone, Charles

1802 - 1875

1879-1941, poster artist, British

Gawthorn, Henry George

1879 - 1941

1875-1969, meteorological, aviation & surveying instrument manufacturer, London, England

Short and Mason Limited

1875 - 1969

1838-1907, chemist, English; British

Perkin, Sir William Henry

1838 - 1907

1881-1952, manufacturer of measuring and testing machines, Leipzig, Germany

Louis Schopper

1881 - 1952

1877-1926, manufacturer of explosives, Ardeer, Scotland

Nobel's Explosives Company Limited

1877 - 1926

1888-1971, medical scientist; inventor, American

Rife, Royal Raymond

1888 - 1971

Wallis, Barnes Neville

1887 - 1979

Swan, Joseph Wilson

1828 - 1914

active 1928-1954, laboratory apparatus; laboratory instrument maker, London, England

Griffin and Tatlock Limited

1889 - 1999

active 1887 -1920s?, manufacturer of leather goods, picnic baskets and silver, London, ENgland

Drew and Sons

1887 - 1935

1827-1912, surgeon; physician; developer of a system of antiseptic surgery, English; British

Lister, Joseph

1827 - 1912

1812-1887, journalist; author; playwright, British.

Mayhew, Henry

1812 - 1887

1808-1914, optical, mathematical & philosophical (globes) instrument makers, London, England, British

Carpenter and Westley

1808 - 1914

active 1888-1930s, printer, Harrow; London

David Allen and Sons Limited

1888 - 1939

1819-1868, dentist who used anaesthetic; physician, American

Morton, William Thomas Green

1819 - 1868

1879-current (2020), manufacturer of surgical instruments, London, England

Downs Surgical Limited


1895-1980s, manufacturer of medicinal lozenges, England

Iron Jelloids Company Limited


1842-, manufacturer of ceramics, Burslem, England

John Maddock and Sons Limited


1800-1970's?, button manufacturer, London

Jennens and Company Limited


1881-1963, marine engineer, Scottish; British

Wallace, Sir William

1881 - 1963

1864-1944, geologist; museum director, British; English

Lyons, Sir Henry George

1864 - 1944

1812-1890, organ builder; bicycle designer, German

Fischer, Philipp Moritz

1812 - 1890

1819-1904, marine artist, British; English

Hayes, Edwin

1819 - 1904

1843-1913, educational reformer; politician, British

Stuart, James

1843 - 1913

1867-1943, aeronautical pioneer; balloonist; meteorologist, British

Alexander, Patrick Young

1867 - 1943

1812-1889, engineer; astronomer, British; Scottish

Newall, Robert Stirling

1812 - 1889

1870-1952, science and technology historian; Science Museum curator, British

Dickinson, Henry Winram

1870 - 1952

1810-1882, photographer, British; Welsh

Llewelyn, John Dillwyn

1810 - 1882

1831-1916, mathematician, Fellow of Trinity College Cambridge, British; English

Wilkinson, Michael Marlow Umfreville

1831 - 1916

1872-1942, astronomer, American

Curtis, Heber Doust

1872 - 1942

1885-1888, shipbuilder, Belfast

Queen's Island Shipbuilding and Engineering Company Limited

1885 - 1888

active 1829-1830s, iron founder; anchor smith; marine engine maker; civil engineer, Bristol, England

William Daniel and William Edward Acraman

1829 - 1842

1895-1968, vice-chairman and managing director of Newton, Chambers & Co. Ltd.

West, Sir Harold Ernest George

1895 - 1968

1877-1963, farmer; engineer, British; English

Hosier, Arthur Julius

1877 - 1963

1799-1859, mathematician; writer, British

Grant, Horace

1799 - 1859

1858-1939, journalist; politician, British; English

Norman, Sir Henry

1858 - 1939

1882-1970, physicist, German/Polish

Born, Max

1882 - 1970

1820-1897, engineer, British; Scottish

Kirkaldy, David

1820 - 1897

1824-1886, engineer, British

Ordish, Rowland Mason

1824 - 1886

1862-1912, mechanical engineer, German?

Zodel, Louis

1862 - 1912

1806-1863, naturalist; geologist; author; teacher, French

Boubee, Neree

1806 - 1863

1813-1899, mechanical engineer, British

Jackson, Peter Rothwell

1813 - 1899

1854-1932, inventor; businessman, American

Eastman, George

1854 - 1932

1833-1911, civil engineering contractor, British

Aird, Sir John

1833 - 1911